The Time Warp River Cruise Company​, on Jervis Bay, New South Wales, Australia.​​​
$$ Cost $$
The Time Warp River Cruise Company is a recreational, not commercial, enterprise and is operated on a not-for-profit / costs recovery basis. The guiding ethos is best understood by listening to the audio message from Cap'n Dave.
The contribution that you make to costs is spent on items including: insurance, boat registration, mooring fees, slip fees, vessel maintenance, and fuel and food and drink for your cruise. The skipper and crew are not paid, and volunteer their time with you!
TWO HOUR CRUISE - $130 per person (minimum cost $390.00)
FOUR HOUR CRUISE - $325 per person (includes light refreshments) (minimum cost $975.00)
SIX HOUR CRUISE - $585 per person (includes lunch) (minimum cost $1755.00)
EIGHT HOUR CRUISE - $715 per person (includes meals) (minimum cost $2145.00)